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5 Essential Yoga Tools for Beginners

Views : 500
Update time : 2018-06-26 11:15:28
Yoga Mat
An essential for any yogi. With all of the exercises you'll be doing on the floor, a good mat will keep you comfortable and safe.

Yoga Block
This is a great tool for beginners. Blocks help you get into poses and maintain appropriate posture when you can't quite reach the floor.

Yoga Belt
Belts are another great tool for beginners which help get you into positions when you're still developing your flexibility.

Yoga Towel
Yoga towels can be great especially if you're looking to try Bikram yoga. Not only do they help eliminate bacteria from your sweat, but they are often used as support in certain poses.

Your attire during yoga can make the difference between comfort and discomfort, full range of motion and poor range of motion. Stores like Target and Walmart all offer a number of pieces at affordable prices to meet your needs.